Education above all. Soccer is our draw, no matter how great a student athlete is on the pitch, we believe education should be prioritized. Education and good grades open the door to a fulfilling future; therefore, it comes before any sport. We take education seriously, thus, in order to participate within Nicks Kids, there are basic GPA requirements.
Student athletes must have a 2.5 to belong to the program; however, they need a 2.8 to participate in any activity, including soccer.
Captains and student athletes on scholarship must maintain a 3.0.
We monitor their grades closely and meet with their teachers or school counselors at least once a year. If a student athlete falls below the required GPA, we make sure they raise their grades before they are able to participate in any event. Nicks Kids offers tutoring twice a week within the homework club; all participants can come in and receive assistance with any subject. We offer all necessary school materials they may need for any project or school-related activity.
All of our participants are well aware of the basic requirements needed in order to go to college; we emphasize the importance of good grades and have made sure they understand the A-G requirements needed in order to graduate from a public school. We provide college workshops for seniors and assist with college applications, FAFSA, and scholarships.
Given that many of our participants live within Nickerson Gardens, our homework club is located within the developments where most of them can walk to. Our homework club is open to all participants who may not have the resources or help needed at home. Many may undergo a crisis at home; therefore, it might be difficult for them to stay focused or care about schoolwork. Therefore, the homework club works as a safe haven for many of them, where they are able to go and forget about their home life and worry about nothing but their homework. Upon entering the door, they leave everything behind and enter a stress-free zone.